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I Got to Speak Again

Yay! I was so happy! I got to speak to the high school group at my church! I loved it!

I got to talk about the significance of reading Gods word! Of course, I don't know, if while we are still on earth, if we will ever fully grasp all of why its important! It was great though! I have to thank my pastor for allowing me to speak!

I also must say though, I didn't do my speaking alone! One of my sweetest friends, she got to play guitar and sing after I spoke! She was amazing! And we couldn't have done it without the help of our other friend who played right along side her!It was amazing! I had no part in picking any of the songs and my two friends did just astounding with the songs they played and everything!

As I mentioned, I have a YouTube channel and I love it! So check it out when you can!

Here is the link!

Enjoy! Also, this is where you should contact me ( for now) if you want me to come speak!

I love it and I'm willing to make trips far and wide! Thank you SO much!

Jesus loves you all!

Love, Ash


( Heart, heart)!!!!!=D


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