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About Me


Welcome to my speech blog and thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! First, I will briefly share my life story. Second I will share my journey to a love for public speaking. Lastly, I will explain to you what I hope to do with my life in the future.

I am the oldest of four kids! One of the most common things people know about me is that I am a little person. Both my sister and I are little people! We have two boys in our family and two girls! The boys are both average size! Growing up in a family that has half of the siblings as little people and the other half average size creates a lot of challenges but I have no words to explain how often I feel the presence of God in my family! I feel the presence of God because each of my three siblings are my best friends! We often say that we are all one another's best friends!

My siblings and I became the people that we are today because of God's grace but our greatest example was our parents! They taught us to love one another and to fill in the gaps for the strengths and weaknesses that our other siblings were lacking. My siblings all have amazing talents! My brother, Nick, who is second in the line up, he is a so mature in every area of life. My sister Jackie is a singer and she loves people so well! My youngest brother, Nathan, he is my best friend! We have always been close! Our parents are amazing and we all owe so much to them.

When I was thirteen, I began to develop a love for touching other peoples lives. I loved to encourage people and be a bright light in their day! When I was a freshmen in high school, I took a required public speaking course. I discovered that I had the gift of the art of speech delivery. A lot of the impact that I brought to a speech ( people told me) had to do with the fact that people wanted to hear my story. The first official speech I ever gave was at the end of the first semester of my freshmen year of high school! I was fourteen. I received so much positive feedback from my speech. Because people asked that I would continue sharing my story, I decided that I wanted to continue in my public speaking journey. You can find a copy of my first speech on this blog. It is titled, "Invisible Worth".

As high school carried on, I spoke at least twice a year at my high school until graduation! I gave a speech representing all of the seniors at graduation that year. Throughout high school I was given the opportunity to speak in Chanute, Kansas and I got to do a session on the radio in Kansas as well!
I spoke at my youth group and have posted many YouTube videos!
 My junior year of high school, I did an internship and co-taught a class of freshmen the art of public speaking for a whole year! The teacher used any of my speeches as model and example speeches.

I am now currently in college and I am taking classes through Moody Bible Institute Distance Learning Program! My degree is in biblical studies. I just started my Junior year of college! I am a member of my local Toastmasters Public Speaking Club here in San Antonio!

Concerning my career goals, all I know is this, I love the Lord and my desire is to serve His people. I updated this blog because I believe God has given me a desire to share the truth of who we are in Christ with the world. I want to go anywhere God wants me to go to share the Gospel! I will graduate in May 2020 with a bachelors in biblical studies. I want to use that degree to raise my credentials and I want people to know that I have excellent knowledge over the topic and any messages that I speak about!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Have a great day and God bless!

Ashley S. Rocha,


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