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Invisible Worth

This was the very first speech I ever gave, besides presentations at church! I gave this one because, at the time, I was in speech class and we were required to write and give a speech and we got to pick our topics so I choose something very close to my heart! I gave this on 12/ 6/12 so two years ago already! This was also given the last day before a school break! I would just like to thank my teacher that taught me everything I know about public speaking. My family also, for always showing up for my speeches and to my friends who have encouraged me so much! And finally to God because without him I CANNOT write speeches! I've tried and it just doesn't work! I want to offer myself to him as a vessel to speak through and to be the mouth that he speaks through to reach his beloved world! Thank you! Enjoy!

Here are a few pictures! Sorry that they are not amazing pictures!




                                      Invisible Worth


Hi, before I start I just want to say that I pray you will listen to this as if I were not the one giving this speech.  I pray you will listen to this as though God was the one talking. The words of this speech are not my own but His.  I know because He has spoken them to me Himself.  He told me in many different ways but it always came down to this, Your not worth what you can see.  As you can probably tell, I was born very different from all of you of course we are all different but my difference can be seen in the blink of an eye. It took me and is still taking me some time to realize that I’m not worth what I see.  I’ve had a lot of friends, been made fun of, and asked multiple questions and have also been afraid but, it wasn’t long tell I had figured out that it was God who had created me this way and that He loved me.  So what did I do next?  I asked God questions so many questions.  Why couldn’t I be tall like everyone else, why can’t I ever be beautiful, no one will ever like me.  Some of these things I began to believe.  I would look in the mirror and notice someone this world wouldn’t considered beautiful.  This I believed.  Over the years I slowly began to realize that others born like me had simply decided to give up on life and themselves because they had absolutely no hope.  I began to wonder and ask myself if this was how I wanted to live the rest of my life, in misery, making fun of myself every time I looked in the mirror.  Well with the way I saw myself and because of what I believed I was worth I was headed that way.  For the past 8 years of my life God had taught me so much and because of the things he has taught me and what I have learned is the reason I stand up here in front of you today.  I would like to share with you some of the amazing and life changing truths God has taught me.

 I truly believe with all my heart that the way you see yourself and why you believe it are probably one of the things that effects the choices that we make with our life the most.  Look at drugs, bad dating relationships, celebrities, happy people, sad people, the way that you live your life is almost completely based off of how much you value yourself.  Would that 17 year old boy in my neighborhood would have taken those drug that all the cool kids at school were taking if he knew he was good enough and didn’t need to prove anything, or that girl at your school would have that broken heart right now if she knew she didn’t need to have that boyfriend to tell her how great she was all the time because no one else would?  Or that celebrity be so lost because she didn’t get that part in the movie and now she thinks she’s worth less because she wasn’t exactly the kind of person they were looking for?  Do you think their lives and their actions would be different if they truly knew were there worth lies?  I think it would have been a very different outcome!

  So why do we care what other people think though?  Why do we always have to have someone or something prove to us that we are good enough?  Why couldn’t we just have been born knowing yeah I don’t have to be cool enough?  Why do we desire to see something good in ourselves?  I believe that the reason we are given this desire is because God knows He is the only thing or person that can help us and really show us and prove to us our worth.  I believe it was given as a reason to bring us closer to Him.  I believe that when we want someone to admire us and tell us were are good enough, it really is God showing our hearts that they desire something to complete them.  God brings us to our knees looking for purpose and acceptance yet in this world we find none, and when it comes to this, this is when He reveals Himself in mighty ways!

So once we find God what makes His response to what were worth to him so much more fulfilling and easier to accept than the world?  Well I’ll tell you, if you want to be completely crushed by the answer then I don’t recommend asking a celebrity.  The world tells us you are truly worth something for a girl if you’re the prettiest girl on the planet.  And for a guy your worth something if you are married to the pretties girl on the planet.  Now honestly, I think that’s a pretty high standard to meet.  So there pretty much saying only one man and one woman can be worth something at one time.  But I wonder what the king of kings and Lord of Lords standards are as far our worth goes?  Do you know what He says? In proverbs 31:30 it states “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but the (one) who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  So it didn’t say anywhere in there anyone under 150 pounds is beautiful everyone else really isn’t worth your time, but it says the one who fears the Lord is to be praised.  I think it’s a lot easier to love the one who loves you and know that you are  beautiful then to have to always be aware of how you look or how your acting around others or talking if your plainly worth anything at all.  Or like it also says in proverbs 31:10 “the one with noble character is worth far more than rubies.”  It didn’t say the girl or guy in the latest styles and fashions, no this worth is found in something TOTALLY different.  In their character and personality.  But I must say out of all the verses on this topic the one that I love the best that I come across is in 1 Samuel verse “man looks at the outward appearance but the Father of the galaxies, Lord of the Lords, and King of all looks at our hearts.”  “He Himself tells us our worth is not found on the outside and yes some people do judge us but this but whose opinion matters to you?  Sinful man’s whose I idea of cool, popular, and fashion changes all the time!  Or The King, ruler, and the owner of the hand that created and split, flood and plague, heal and save this earth and our world?  I believe His vote counts.

So if for some crazy reason all of a sudden today every human being worth was seen by while in there heart, and there was no way to be seen from the outside what would your look like?

Even today I still struggle with feeling like maybe the reason certain people aren’t friends with me is simply because im not worth enough to them based on the outside.  I pray that you will not forget whose vote really counts in our life worth is not found in what we see because if it was, some of us would never feel worth anything our entire lives. 

So what I want you to really realize and take with you today is this:  “If you can’t find your worth in what you see it’s probably because there’s nothing there, but if you look at what you can’t see you will find it is there.”


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