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Hard work, Dedication, and Commitment

I had the privilege of being allowed to give another speech at my school! I had to do it on a topic we had discussed in school that year in our devotion period so I choose hard work! it was pretty fun! This was the second speech I ever gave and I loved it! Enjoy!=D

11/9/13                                   Hard Work, Dedication, and Commitment


Hi! So I have a question for you. Have you ever had a job to do? Any job! A chore, school work, or any other responsibility? I have! See when I was in 3rd grade my family and I moved from Kansas to here in San Antonio, Texas. I ended up being homeschooled for four years from 4th to 8th grade.

Now for me, when it came to school at that time, my number one goal was to just finish as fast as I possibly could every day. I didn’t care about what I was learning, I didn’t care about my grades, I didn’t even care if my mom could read my writing or not.  All I cared about was just getting my books done. Over those years, however, I really began to question why I had to do school work or any job in general. I wondered why it was more important to God for me to do my chores and school work instead of telling the world about Him. Isn’t sharing the good news what He would want me to do anyway and, why did doing my best in everything really matter? Well over these four years I learned a thing or two about this question that almost everyone has at least once in their life. The question is why work hard?

So the first question I believe we need to ask ourselves is who are we working for right now? Is it for us to fulfill our hopes and dreams or the purpose God sent us here for? See we as humans tend to want to go our own way do our own thing and that’s where our mistake is. Anything that we do that God has not call us to do is never going to fulfill us. That’s why He says we are created for good works which GOD has planned in advanced for us to do. So for me understanding why I’m doing something has always been a huge thing for me. I truly believe when we realize that one of our purposes here on earth is to work, then it gives us more of a motivation to do it. When that work is something God has specifically called us to do, we will never feel empty or alone or without purpose and will ultimately bring God glory.

The second question we need to ask ourselves is, do we believe in a reward? As humans we always crave some sort of reward after hard work.  Jesus teaches us to learn how to give expecting nothing in return but He also tells us that for those of us who lay down anything on this earth for His sake there is heavenly reward.  We will receive one hundred times more in this life. Meaning this, our lives will be filled with the riches of peace, love, and joy that only a life that is lived following Jesus everyday can provide. So Jesus promises that if we give up what we want here for His will and ultimate plan we will be rewarded. It’s can be hard at times to know that we don’t get those rewards yet but we must have faith that they will be worth it in the end.

The third thing I want to ask you is this, do you believe that your job is more important than the one you think you should be doing? That was my question two years ago, is doing my school work, chores, or any other job that I’m doing, really more important than telling people about God?  Do you not realize that doing your assigned job, is telling others about God and is doing the MOST important thing any Christian could ever do on earth? You are completing your assigned purpose and in that, by obeying God, we show Him that we love Him and in the end He alone receives all the glory and honor and praise.

And the last thing I want to say is this, everyone has a different purpose, specifically chosen by God and only He can reveal to you what it is. So the answer to the question, why work hard? Because it is your purpose and He knows the plans He has for you, and you never know where working hard will fit into Gods amazing master plan for your life. God has a plan for you, and it’s our job to be prepared, for Him to be able to use us in miraculous ways! Thank you!          


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