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Showing posts from December, 2014

Hard work, Dedication, and Commitment

I had the privilege of being allowed to give another speech at my school! I had to do it on a topic we had discussed in school that year in our devotion period so I choose hard work! it was pretty fun! This was the second speech I ever gave and I loved it! Enjoy!=D 11/9/13                                       Hard Work, Dedication, and Commitment   Hi! So I have a question for you. Have you ever had a job to do? Any job! A chore, school work, or any other responsibility? I have! See when I was in 3 rd grade my family and I moved from Kansas to here in San Antonio, Texas. I ended up being homeschooled for four years from 4 th to 8 th grade. Now for me, when it came to school at that time, my number one goal was to just finish as fast as I possibly could every day. I didn’t care about what I was learning, I didn’t care about my grades, I didn’t even care if my mom could read my writing or not.   All I cared about was just getting my books done. Over those years, howeve

So I'm Invisible?

I had the wonderful privilege of being asked to share my story or something that I felt is should share with my youth group! So originally, I was going to have my topic be addictions, like things that we are addicted to that are tearing us away from God but I felt God laying on my heart that my topic need to be about loving and including others! I actually had almost all of a speech written for the addiction topic and I didn't really want to change it because I already had a lot planed out for it but in the end I changed it! So this is my speech that I gave at my youth group last year! I hope you enjoy!=D                                  So I’m Invisible?                 11/26/13   Hi! I know most of you already know me and for those of you who don’t, my name is Ashley Rocha. I’m a sophomore and Homeschooled and have been a member of Wayside for almost six years. The story I’m about to tell you I chose to share because it is a topic I feel God is used me to share and

Invisible Worth

This was the very first speech I ever gave, besides presentations at church! I gave this one because, at the time, I was in speech class and we were required to write and give a speech and we got to pick our topics so I choose something very close to my heart! I gave this on 12/ 6/12 so two years ago already! This was also given the last day before a school break! I would just like to thank my teacher that taught me everything I know about public speaking. My family also, for always showing up for my speeches and to my friends who have encouraged me so much! And finally to God because without him I CANNOT write speeches! I've tried and it just doesn't work! I want to offer myself to him as a vessel to speak through and to be the mouth that he speaks through to reach his beloved world! Thank you! Enjoy! Here are a few pictures! Sorry that they are not amazing pictures!                                                  Invisible Worth  

Living a Life of Love and Service

I gave this speech a week ago on Thursday the 11th at my school on the last day before the break(12/11/14)! I gave it because the board of directors allowed me to and I asked to do it plainly because I love public speaking and because I felt God had something that he wanted me to share!I don't know if I ended up getting that message to the ears that he wanted to have hear it but I hope no matter what, that he was brought glory through it! So here is the speech! Enjoy!! Living a Life of Love and Service   Hi everyone! So what if I were to tell you that today was your last day on earth? What would be your response? I think we would all respond a little bit differently, but the truth is, is that Jesus is returning for his people soon. We don’t know when he is returning so It could be at any time. The question then becomes, if we know that Jesus could return soon, then what is it that God desire for us to do with the remaining time that we have here? There are two top


Hello! My name is Ashley Rocha and my dream is to be a motivational speaker! I will be posting some of my latest speeches as soon as possible!=D