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Showing posts from 2019

September and October 2019

September 2019 I had the wonderful pleasure of giving a speech about the place that I work, Morgan's Wonderland! I gave a 20 minute talk about the beauty of the park and what it has to offer it's visitors! I won an award for this speech for its structure!! It was so much fun!  October 2019 One night I didn't get to speak but I still enjoyed going! October 21st I gave an impromptu speech and I won competing against another club member who had a prepared speech!!! I spoke about the meaning of life!

January -August 2019

        Between the months of January and August, so much happened. I competed in a Toastmasters Public Speaking Competition! I won at Club, Area, and Division level! I made it all the way to districts and I did not win there but it was an amazing experience! The picture above is from August 19, 2019. Instead of posting for all the months that I missed in between January and August, I am making this post to give a brief summary of what happened. Below is a picture of me from end of January! January 28, 2019. I have mostly been giving speeches at my club! Can't wait for September update! Love, Ash,   

January 2019 and Special Announcement

Hi! Happy new year! Wow! January has been so exciting already!       I started off the new year by giving a speech that involved story telling! It was so much fun!   Here is my special announcement!!! I began competing for the title of World Champion Public Speaker through my Toastmasters club! Because I was the only person in my club who wanted to compete, my only job on January 28th (the night of my first completion speech) was to present a quality speech that was between 5-7 minutes! I am happy to say that I did that! I won my first competition award!   This speech can be found on my YouTube channel! It is title, "Who You Are is Not Dependent on What happens to You". Let me know if you have any suggestions for how I can better improve myself as a speaker! Thank you so much!           I'll keep yall updated! Love, Ash,         

December 2018 Update

  December went by so quickly! Here are some of the things I did this month!     On December 3, I gave a speech about the importance of having a mentor! I posted that speech on YouTube if you want to check it out!     I got to evaluate another speaker speech on December 10th! I got an award for being the best evaluator!              December 17th was the last night of Toastmasters for the year!   I got to speak again that night and I won! It was a great year!!!     Love yall! Thanks for all the support! Cant wait for next year!!!       love, Ash,