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Showing posts from 2018

November 2018 Update

November was a great month for speaking as well! I gave a speech about one of my favorite quotes and how it has helped me resist temptations! I will try to post that video on YouTube soon!         November was a pretty busy month! Can't wait for what December will hold!! Love, Ash,         

October Update 2018

October was a really fun month for speaking! I finished coloring my hair too! Here are a few high lights from this month!         I got to speak on October first!! I got first place!!! I believe I posted that video on my YouTube channel if you want to check it out!       I got to give another speech on October 22!!!             It was a really fun month for public speaking! Cant wait to post how November went!!   Love, Ash,                

September 2018 Public Speaking Update

    Hello everyone! Here is an over all summary of my public speaking journey from the remainder of August and of this September!             August 20th, I won the Best Table Topics Award out of three speakers!                                               On August 27th, I got to evaluate another speakers speech!                                              On September 10th, I received the privilege of being the General Evaluator of the club that night!                                                   On September 17th, I gave a speech title: Learning to Walk Again! It is on my YouTube channel if you want to check it out! I got an award that night and was voted Best Speaker out of three!                     On September 24th, I was

August 2018 Update

Hello, I recently had my 20th birthday and we just got back from our family vacation! I am so excited to share with you some of my recent achievements in public speaking! Please enjoy the pictures below!         I won another award that night! (8/13/18) That's five awards so far!         My outfit before another club meeting that was this past Monday (8/13/18)            This is a picture of my awards! I received two in March, one in June and one in July!           These are some more pictures of me before my first speech as a member of my club on July 9th! I spoke about why we need to be motivated to live life to the fullest!                 This is my club member pin that I received the night that I officially became a member!              I won awards in March and June!           This is a picture of me before I went to give my Ice Breaker speech fo

June 2018

A lot of new stuff has developed recently in my life since my last post! I will break this down and then elaborate! Finished sophomore year of college Majoring in Biblical Studies through Moody Bible Institute Online Joined a Toastmasters International public speaking club I have won three out of four impromptu two minute speech competitions I updated my public speaking page on instagram (kingdom_come98).  Going to be posting monthly ( if not weekly) on this blog To start, college is going great! I switched to online learning to allow myself to have more time for work and family. I have always wanted to join Toastmasters International and I finally did on Monday! Since I have been apart of the Toastmasters club, I have won almost every impromptu speech competition so far! Lastly, I am working to be more consistent in updating this blog! Love yall! Email me through my "Contact Me" section of my blog if you need a public speaker for anything this summer! L